Circuitry API - (circuitry_api.h)

This API provides the foundation to initialize and access the Circuitry API. All of the types listed here are 'global' defines and not associated with any one specific API.


These are global functions which do not require an interface to set up. You can read more about these functions in the Circuitry API Overview.


S_API bool S_CALLTYPE CircuitryAPI_Init();

Initializes the Circuitry API.

See Initialization and Shutdown for additional information.

Returns: bool
true indicates that all the required interfaces have been acquired and are accessible.
false indicates one of the following conditions:
The Circuitry client isn't running. A running Circuitry client is required to provide various implementations of the various Circuitry interfaces.
The Circuitry client could not determine the App ID of an application. If running the application from the executable or debugger directly then you need to have a circuitry_appid.txt in your application directory in the same directory as the executable, with your app ID included and nothing else. Circuitry will look for this file in the current working directory. If you are running your executable from a different directory you may need to relocate the circuitry_appid.txt file.
Your application is not running under the same operating system user context as the Circuitry client, such as a different user or administration access level.
Please ensure that you have the proper rights for the App ID on the currently active Robot Cache account. The application must show up in your Robot Cache Circuitry library.
* Your App ID is not completely set up, or missing default packages.


int main() { if ( CircuitryAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary( k_uAppIdInvalid ) ) // Replace with your App ID { return 1; } if ( !CircuitryAPI_Init() ) { printf( "Fatal Error - Circuitry must be running to play this application (CircuitryAPI_Init() failed).n" ); return 1; } return 0; }


S_API void S_CALLTYPE CircuitryAPI_ReleaseCurrentThreadMemory();

Free's up the internal Circuitry API memory that's associated with the calling thread.

Most Circuitry API functions allocate thread-local memory for storing parameters. Calling this function will manually free the memory. This function is automatically called by the CircuitryAPI_RunCallbacks function, so any program that ever accesses the Circuitry API from a single thread never needs to explicitly call this function.


S_API bool S_CALLTYPE CircuitryAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary( uint32 unOwnAppID );
Name Type Description
unOwnAppID uint32 The App ID of this title.

This function checks to see if your executable file was launched through Circuitry and relaunches it through Circuitry if it wasn't.

See Initialization and Shutdown for additional information.

Returns: bool
If this returns true then it starts the client if required and launches the applocation again through the client. You should quit your process immediately. This effectively runs circuitry://run/ so it may not relaunch the same executable that called it, as it will always relaunch from the version installed in your Circuitry library folder.

If it returns false, then your application was launched by the Circuitry client and no action needs to be taken. An exception is if a circuitry_appid.txt file exists then this will return false regardless. This allows you to develop and test your application without launching your game through the Circuitry client. Make sure to remove the circuitry_appid.txt file when uploading the game to your Circuitry depot!


int main() { if ( CircuitryAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary( k_uAppIdInvalid ) ) // Replace with your App ID { return 1; } if ( !CircuitryAPI_Init() ) { printf( "Fatal Error - Circuitry must be running to play this game (CircuitryAPI_Init() failed).n" ); return 1; } return 0; }


S_API void S_CALLTYPE CircuitryAPI_RunCallbacks();

This function call initiates callbacks and results for all registered listeners.

The more time between callin this function the more potential there may be for latency. Most applications call this function once per frame. All registered listener functions will be invoked during this call.

CircuitryAPI_RunCallbacks are safe to call from multiple threads simultaneously, however the code may be executed on any thread.


S_API void S_CALLTYPE CircuitryAPI_SetMiniDumpComment( const char *pchMsg );
Name Type Description
pchMsg const char * The message to attach to the minidump. This must be null terminated.

Attaches an arbitrary comment in the minidump.

A few examples include; the level of the player, many users etc.
This function must be called before calling the CircuitryAPI_WriteMiniDump function.


S_API void S_CALLTYPE CircuitryAPI_Shutdown();

Shuts down the Circuitry API, releases pointers and frees up memory.

You should call this while running ther shutdown process.


S_API void S_CALLTYPE CircuitryAPI_WriteMiniDump( uint32 uStructuredExceptionCode, void* pvExceptionInfo, uint32 uBuildID );
Name Type Description
uStructuredExceptionCode uint32 This is the structured exception code.
pvExceptionInfo void* This are the exception pointers that contain the the exception.
uBuildID uint32 A ID to track the version of the application. NOTE: Not the same as a Circuitry build ID and is used only for reporting crashes.

Writes and uploads a dump of the data to report crashes.

See Circuitry Error Reporting for more information.


These are structures which function the circuitry_api may return and/or interact with.


The globally unique identifier for Robot Cache applications.


The globally unique identifier for all Robot Cache accounts, groups, Lobbies and Chat rooms.

See EAccountType and EUniverse.


These are enumerators which are defined for use with the circuitry_api.


Chat Entry Types.

Returned by ICircuitryFriends::GetFriendMessage, ICircuitryFriends::GetClanChatMessage and ICircuitryMatchmaking::GetLobbyChatEntry.

Name Value Description
k_EChatEntryTypeInvalid 0 Invalid.
k_EChatEntryTypeChatMsg 1 Text message from another user.
k_EChatEntryTypeTyping 2 The other user is typing. Not used in multi-user chat.
k_EChatEntryTypeInviteGame 3 An invite from another user into that users current application.
k_EChatEntryTypeLeftConversation 6 A user has left the conversation.
k_EChatEntryTypeEntered 7 A user has entered the conversation. Used in the multi-user and group chat.
k_EChatEntryTypeWasKicked 8 User was kicked off (Data: Circuitry ID of the user performing the kick).
k_EChatEntryTypeWasBanned 9 User was banned (Data: Circuitry ID of the user performing the ban).
k_EChatEntryTypeDisconnected 10 User has been disconnected.
k_EChatEntryTypeHistoricalChat 11 A message from the user's chat history or offline message.
k_EChatEntryTypeLinkBlocked 14 A link was removed by the chat filter.


Chat Room Enter Responses.

Name Value Description
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess 1 Success.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseDoesntExist 2 Chat doesn't exist (may be closed).
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseNotAllowed 3 General denied as the user doesn't have the permissions needed to join the chat.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseFull 4 The chat room has reached its allowed size.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseError 5 Unexpected Error.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseBanned 6 User is banned from this chat room and may not join.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseLimited 7 Joining this chat is not allowed because the user is limited.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseClanDisabled 8 Attempt to join a clan chat when the clan is locked or disabled.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseMemberBlockedYou 10 Joining failed - a user that is in the chat has blocked another user from joining.
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseYouBlockedMember 11 Joining failed - a user has blocked a user that is already in the chat.


These are special flags for Chat accounts. They go in the top 8 bits of the Circuitry ID's "instance", leaving 12 for the actual instances

Name Value Description
k_EChatAccountInstanceMask 0x00000FFF Top 8 bits are flags.
k_EChatInstanceFlagClan ( k_unCircuitryAccountInstanceMask + 1 ) >> 1 The Circuitry ID is for a Circuitry group.
k_EChatInstanceFlagLobby ( k_unCircuitryAccountInstanceMask + 1 ) >> 2 The Circuitry ID is for a Lobby.
k_EChatInstanceFlagMMSLobby ( k_unCircuitryAccountInstanceMask + 1 ) >> 3 The Circuitry ID is for an MMS Lobby.


These are the result values when a client failed to join or has been kicked from a server. Obtained from GSClientDeny_t and GSClientKick_t.

Name Value Description
k_EDenyInvalid 0 Unknown.
k_EDenyInvalidVersion 1 The client and server are not the same version.
k_EDenyGeneric 2 Generic.
k_EDenyNotLoggedOn 3 The client is not logged on.
k_EDenyNoLicense 4 The client does not have the rights to run this application.
k_EDenyCheater 5 The client is banned.
k_EDenyLoggedInElseWhere 6 The client is logged in somewhere else.
k_EDenyUnknownText 7
k_EDenyIncompatibleAnticheat 8
k_EDenyMemoryCorruption 9
k_EDenyIncompatibleSoftware 10
k_EDenyCircuitryConnectionLost 11 The server has lost connection to Robot Cache servers.
k_EDenyCircuitryConnectionError 12 The server had a general error connecting to Robot Cache servers.
k_EDenyCircuitryResponseTimedOut 13 The server timed out connecting to Robot Cache servers.
k_EDenyCircuitryValidationStalled 14 The client has not authenticated with the Robot Cache servers.
k_EDenyCircuitryOwnerLeftGuestUser 15 The owner of the shared application has left and has called for each guest of the owner.


Used to describe the type of CGameID.

Name Value Description
k_EGameIDTypeApp 0 The Game ID is a regular Robot Cache app.
k_EGameIDTypeGameMod 1 The Game ID is a mod.
k_EGameIDTypeShortcut 2 The game ID is a shortcut.
k_EGameIDTypeP2P 3 The game ID is a P2P (peer-to-peer) file.


Circuitry error result codes.

These are frequently returned by functions, callbacks, and call results from both the Circuitry API and the Web API. An API may return arbitrary EResult codes, refer to the documentation for that API function or callback to see what it could return and what they mean in the context of that API call.
This is similar to Win32's HRESULT type or POSIXs errno.

Name Value Description
k_EResultOK 1 Success.
k_EResultFail 2 Generic failure.
k_EResultNoConnection 3 Your Circuitry client doesn't have a connection to the back-end.
k_EResultInvalidPassword 5 Password/ticket is invalid.
k_EResultLoggedInElsewhere 6 The user is logged in elsewhere.
k_EResultInvalidProtocolVer 7 Protocol version is incorrect.
k_EResultInvalidParam 8 A parameter is incorrect.
k_EResultFileNotFound 9 File was not found.
k_EResultBusy 10 Called method is busy - action not taken.
k_EResultInvalidState 11 Called object was in an invalid state.
k_EResultInvalidName 12 The name was invalid.
k_EResultInvalidEmail 13 The email was invalid.
k_EResultDuplicateName 14 The name is not unique.
k_EResultAccessDenied 15 Access is denied.
k_EResultTimeout 16 Operation timed out.
k_EResultBanned 17 The user is VAC2 banned.
k_EResultAccountNotFound 18 Account not found.
k_EResultInvalidCircuitryID 19 The Circuitry ID was invalid.
k_EResultServiceUnavailable 20 The requested service is currently unavailable.
k_EResultNotLoggedOn 21 The user is not logged on.
k_EResultPending 22 Request is pending, it may be in process or waiting on third party.
k_EResultEncryptionFailure 23 Encryption or Decryption failed.
k_EResultInsufficientPrivilege 24 Insufficient privilege.
k_EResultLimitExceeded 25 Too much of a good thing.
k_EResultRevoked 26 Access has been revoked (used for revoked guest passes.)
k_EResultExpired 27 License/Guest pass the user is trying to access is expired.
k_EResultAlreadyRedeemed 28 Guest pass has already been redeemed by account, cannot be used again.
k_EResultDuplicateRequest 29 The request is a duplicate and the action has already occurred in the past, ignored this time.
k_EResultAlreadyOwned 30 All the games in this guest pass redemption request are already owned by the user.
k_EResultIPNotFound 31 IP address not found.
k_EResultPersistFailed 32 Failed to write change to the data store.
k_EResultLockingFailed 33 Failed to acquire access lock for this operation.
k_EResultLogonSessionReplaced 34 The logon session has been replaced.
k_EResultConnectFailed 35 Failed to connect.
k_EResultHandshakeFailed 36 The authentication handshake has failed.
k_EResultIOFailure 37 There has been a generic IO failure.
k_EResultRemoteDisconnect 38 The remote server has disconnected.
k_EResultShoppingCartNotFound 39 Failed to find the shopping cart requested.
k_EResultBlocked 40 A user blocked the action.
k_EResultIgnored 41 The target is ignoring sender.
k_EResultNoMatch 42 Nothing matching the request found.
k_EResultAccountDisabled 43 The account is disabled.
k_EResultServiceReadOnly 44 This service is not accepting content changes right now.
k_EResultAccountNotFeatured 45 Account doesn't have value, so this feature isn't available.
k_EResultAdministratorOK 46 Allowed to take this action, but only because requester is admin.
k_EResultContentVersion 47 A Version mismatch in content transmitted within the Circuitry protocol.
k_EResultTryAnotherCM 48 The current CM can't service the user making a request, user should try another.
k_EResultPasswordRequiredToKickSession 49 You are already logged in elsewhere, this cached credential login has failed.
k_EResultAlreadyLoggedInElsewhere 50 The user is logged in elsewhere. (Use k_EResultLoggedInElsewhere instead!)
k_EResultSuspended 51 Long running operation has suspended/paused. (eg. content download.)
k_EResultCancelled 52 Operation has been canceled, typically by user. (eg. a content download.)
k_EResultDataCorruption 53 Operation canceled because data is ill formed or unrecoverable.
k_EResultDiskFull 54 Operation canceled - not enough disk space.
k_EResultRemoteCallFailed 55 The remote or IPC call has failed.
k_EResultPasswordUnset 56 Password could not be verified as it's unset server side.
k_EResultExternalAccountUnlinked 57 External account (PSN, Facebook...) is not linked to a Circuitry account.
k_EResultPSNTicketInvalid 58 PSN ticket was invalid.
k_EResultExternalAccountAlreadyLinked 59 External account (PSN, Facebook...) is already linked to some other account, must explicitly request to replace/delete the link first.
k_EResultRemoteFileConflict 60 The sync cannot resume due to a conflict between the local and remote files.
k_EResultIllegalPassword 61 The requested new password is not allowed.
k_EResultSameAsPreviousValue 62 New value is the same as the old one. This is used for secret question and answer.
k_EResultAccountLogonDenied 63 Account login denied due to 2nd factor authentication failure.
k_EResultCannotUseOldPassword 64 The requested new password is not legal.
k_EResultInvalidLoginAuthCode 65 Account login denied due to auth code invalid.
k_EResultAccountLogonDeniedNoMail 66 Account login denied due to 2nd factor auth failure - and no mail has been sent.
k_EResultHardwareNotCapableOfIPT 67 The users hardware does not support Intel's Identity Protection Technology (IPT).
k_EResultIPTInitError 68 Intel's Identity Protection Technology (IPT) has failed to initialize.
k_EResultParentalControlRestricted 69 Operation failed due to parental control restrictions for current user.
k_EResultFacebookQueryError 70 Facebook query returned an error.
k_EResultExpiredLoginAuthCode 71 Account login denied due to an expired auth code.
k_EResultIPLoginRestrictionFailed 72 The login failed due to an IP restriction.
k_EResultAccountLockedDown 73 The current users account is currently locked for use. This is likely due to a hijacking and pending ownership verification.
k_EResultAccountLogonDeniedVerifiedEmailRequired 74 The logon failed because the accounts email is not verified.
k_EResultNoMatchingURL 75 There is no URL matching the provided values.
k_EResultBadResponse 76 Bad Response due to a Parse failure, missing field, etc.
k_EResultRequirePasswordReEntry 77 The user cannot complete the action until they re-enter their password.
k_EResultValueOutOfRange 78 The value entered is outside the acceptable range.
k_EResultUnexpectedError 79 Something happened that we didn't expect to ever happen.
k_EResultDisabled 80 The requested service has been configured to be unavailable.
k_EResultInvalidCEGSubmission 81 The files submitted to the CEG server are not valid.
k_EResultRestrictedDevice 82 The device being used is not allowed to perform this action.
k_EResultRegionLocked 83 The action could not be complete because it is region restricted.
k_EResultRateLimitExceeded 84 Temporary rate limit exceeded, try again later, different from k_EResultLimitExceeded which may be permanent.
k_EResultAccountLoginDeniedNeedTwoFactor 85 Need two-factor code to login.
k_EResultItemDeleted 86 The thing we're trying to access has been deleted.
k_EResultAccountLoginDeniedThrottle 87 Login attempt failed, try to throttle response to possible attacker.
k_EResultTwoFactorCodeMismatch 88 Two factor authentication (Circuitry Guard) code is incorrect.
k_EResultTwoFactorActivationCodeMismatch 89 The activation code for two-factor authentication (Circuitry Guard) didn't match.
k_EResultAccountAssociatedToMultiplePartners 90 The current account has been associated with multiple partners.
k_EResultNotModified 91 The data has not been modified.
k_EResultNoMobileDevice 92 The account does not have a mobile device associated with it.
k_EResultTimeNotSynced 93 The time presented is out of range or tolerance.
k_EResultSmsCodeFailed 94 SMS code failure - no match, none pending, etc.
k_EResultAccountLimitExceeded 95 Too many accounts access this resource.
k_EResultAccountActivityLimitExceeded 96 Too many changes to this account.
k_EResultPhoneActivityLimitExceeded 97 Too many changes to this phone.
k_EResultRefundToWallet 98 Cannot refund to payment method, must use wallet.
k_EResultEmailSendFailure 99 Cannot send an email.
k_EResultNotSettled 100 Can't perform operation until payment has settled.
k_EResultNeedCaptcha 101 The user needs to provide a valid captcha.
k_EResultGSLTDenied 102 A game server login token owned by this token's owner has been banned.
k_EResultGSOwnerDenied 103 Game server owner is denied for some other reason such as account locked, community ban, vac ban, missing phone, etc.
k_EResultInvalidItemType 104 The type of thing we were requested to act on is invalid.
k_EResultIPBanned 105 The IP address has been banned from taking this action.
k_EResultGSLTExpired 106 This Game Server Login Token (GSLT) has expired from disuse; it can be reset for use.
k_EResultInsufficientFunds 107 user doesn't have enough wallet funds to complete the action
k_EResultTooManyPending 108 There are too many of this thing pending already


Fields used internally to store user stats.

Name Value Description
k_ECircuitryUserStatTypeINVALID 0 Invalid.
k_ECircuitryUserStatTypeINT 1 32-bit int stat.
k_ECircuitryUserStatTypeFLOAT 2 32-bit float stat.
k_ECircuitryUserStatTypeAVGRATE 3 Read as FLOAT, set with count / session length.
k_ECircuitryUserStatTypeACHIEVEMENTS 4 Standard user achievement.
k_ECircuitryUserStatTypeGROUPACHIEVEMENTS 5 Deprecated.
k_ECircuitryUserStatTypeMAX 6 Total number of user stat types, used for sanity checks.


Result of ICircuitryUser::UserHasLicenseForApp.

Name Value Description
k_EUserHasLicenseResultHasLicense 0 The user has a license for specified app.
k_EUserHasLicenseResultDoesNotHaveLicense 1 The user does not have a license for the specified app.
k_EUserHasLicenseResultNoAuth 2 The user has not been authenticated.


These are typedefs which are defined for use with circuitry_api.

Name Base type Description
AppId_t uint32 This is a unique identifier for an application. For more information see the Applications documentation.
BREAKPAD_HANDLE void * Used by the internal Circuitry crash handling interfaces to reference particular installed crash handlers.
DepotId_t uint32 A unique identifier for a depot.
HAuthTicket uint32 This is a handle to a user authentication ticket. Return type of ICircuitryUser::GetAuthSessionTicket.
int16 short Circuitry's version of a 16-bit integer, equivalent to int16_t.
int32 int Circuitry's version of a 32-bit integer, equivalent to int32_t.
int64 long long Circuitry's version of a 64-bit integer, equivalent to int64_t.
int8 signed char Circuitry's version of a 8-bit integer, equivalent to int8_t.
intp int/long long Circuitry's version of a signed type that can hold a pointer, equivalent to intptr_t. (Only used internally in Circuitry.)
RTime32 uint32 Circuitry's version of Unix epoch time. It offers 1 second resolution starting from the epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)
CircuitryAPICall_t uint64 This is a unique handle to a Circuitry API call. If a function returns one of these you will need to track the status by using the Call Result function.
uint16 unsigned short Circuitry's version of a 16-bit unsigned integer, equivalent to uint16_t.
uint32 unsigned int Circuitry's version of a 32-bit unsigned integer, equivalent to uint32_t.
uint64 unsigned long long Circuitry's version of a 64-bit unsigned integer, equivalent to uint64_t.
uint8 unsigned char Circuitry's version of a 8-bit unsigned integer, equivalent to uint8_t.
uintp unsigned int/unsigned long long Circuitry's version of an unsigned type that can hold a pointer, equivalent to uintptr_t. (Only used internally in Circuitry.)


These are constants which are defined for use with circuitry_api.

Name Type Value Description
k_HAuthTicketInvalid HAuthTicket 0 An invalid user authentication ticket.
k_circuitryIDLanModeGS int CCircuitryID( This Circuitry ID comes from a user application connection.
k_circuitryIDNil int CCircuitryID() Generic invalid CCircuitryID.
k_circuitryIDNonCircuitryGS int CCircuitryID( This Circuitry ID comes from a user application connection to a GS that is not utilizing the authentication system but wants to support the "Join Game" option in the friends list
k_circuitryIDNotInitYetGS int CCircuitryID( This Circuitry ID comes from a user application connection to a GS that has just booted but has not yet initialized its components and logged on.
k_circuitryIDOutofDateGS int CCircuitryID( This comes from a user application connection to an out of date GS that hasnt implemented any such protocol to provide its Circuitry ID
k_uAPICallInvalid CircuitryAPICall_t 0x0 An Invalid Circuitry API call handle.
k_uAppIdInvalid AppId_t 0x0 An Invalid App ID.
k_uDepotIdInvalid DepotId_t 0x0 An Invalid Depot ID.
k_unCircuitryAccountIDMask unsigned int 0xFFFFFFFF Used in CCircuitryID to mask out the AccountID_t.
k_unCircuitryAccountInstanceMask unsigned int 0x000FFFFF Used in CCircuitryID to mask out the account instance.
k_unCircuitryUserConsoleInstance unsigned int 2 Used by CCircuitryID to identify users logged in from a console.
k_unCircuitryUserDesktopInstance unsigned int 1 Used by CCircuitryID to identify users logged in from the client.
k_unCircuitryUserWebInstance unsigned int 4 Used by CCircuitryID to identify users that are logged in from the internet.
QUERY_PORT_ERROR int 0xFFFE Unable to retriev the query port number for this server.